13 Jul 2022

Nicole, #monroc wine expert & sommelier


Trentino is a mountain wine-growing area rich in diversity thanks to its geographical position, which ranges from the mild climate of Lake Garda to the fresh mountain air. The strong temperature variations between day and night are the perfect ingredients to produce quality and well-aromatic grapes.

The vineyard is the main product's source of quality, and for this reason winemakers select the vine variety to plant based on soil, position and climate: only this way the vineyard can express its best !

The main growing system is the Trentino pergola, in addition to others like the guyot, or the less used espalier.

Our goal is to enhance our territory, that's why we have decided to propose you regional winemakers, in particular from Trentino. Most of the wine produced here is red and belong to two important native grape varieties: Marzemino and Teroldego.

Teroldego has a beautiful ruby red color, fruity notes of blueberries, berries, licorice, rhubarb. If the wine is young and ready to drink you can taste it with a lasagna, if  it's full-bodied and aged I recommend it with Chef Mario's deer ragù.

Marzemino, a typical dark grape variety, has a dark ruby red color with purple hues, has aromas and fragrances of wild berries with floral nuances of violet. In the territories of Vallagarina, around Rovereto in the Isera and Ziresi areas its perfect habitat. Here the Trentino D.O.C. Superiore Marzemino was born.

A native white grape variety is Nosiola; there are two types of wine that can be produced from the vine, dry or sweet. The most known, the sweet one called Vino Santo, is obtained from grapes attacked by the botrytis cinera (a noble rot that withers the grapes on the vine) and successively dried on trellis (in Trentino dialect arèle) in order to increase the sugar concentration. During the Holy Week the grapes are pressed and then slowly fermented in wooden barrels.

My advice? Conclude your meal with a good dessert wine GT, sweet, fresh and crisp!

#vini #trentino #monroc #thereismoretoexplore

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