10 Jun 2016



Val di Sole seen from above

And what a vista! This is our favorite track because it starts from Ortisè and from there the view over Val di Sole is simply enchanting. But there is also another reason, Ortisè to us means family, it is part of the Monroc people’s history and we always come back gladly here to breathe a relaxed air, fresh and full of sun. The small village of Ortisè has in fact the fortune of being in the sun from sunrise to sunset. Is it maybe this the secret of this pleasant atmosphere?? You just have to discover it and exploring it by bike is even more exciting.

Ready?! Let's go!

Start from Daolasa, with the guys of the Val di Sole Bike Center that will carry your bike up to Ortisè. From there it starts the downhill with the Brenta Dolomite on the background. You will cross a wood of centuries-old larches, a magical place, where you will meet a larch aged over 700 years. Then it starts a long single track of more than 9 km with a difference in height of more than 1000 meters downhill. The arrival is at the village of Mestriago, few meters far from Monroc.

Useful info and advice

  • Difficulty: 4 (1/5)
  • Distance: 15 km
  • Duration: 180 min.
  • Climb: if you choose to go with the guys of the Bike Center you will reach Ortisè with a van equipped with a bike truck
  • Difference in height uphill: 300 meters
  • Difference in height downhill : 1000 meters
  • Terrain: initially white road and then single track
  • Recommended protections: elbow and knee pads, helmet and gloves

While descending through the woods of centuries-old larches, stop to take a picture with the old larch aged 700! And don’t forget a picture of Ortisè, a real piece of Val di Sole and of its authentic history.


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booking request

We have a an adoration for every kind of explorer. If you already are or if you would like to feel like a real explorer and you're dreaming about a perfect holiday on the mountains, choose Val di Sole at the base of Dolomiti di Brenta... And choose MONROC as your basecamp, of course. Write us for any information or quotation.

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La società Monica Srl nel corso dell'anno 2024 ha installato un impianto fotovoltaico da 20,00kWh con relativo sistema di accumulo da 16,56kWh con l'obiettivo di ridurre il fenomeno del riscaldamento globale azzerando le emissioni di CO2, oltre al risparmio economico a servizio dell'immobile Hotel Monroc sito in Commezzadura (TN), Stazione Telecabina Daolasa, 22 - 38020 sulla p.ed 215.